I have been asked to share an important and universal message. Recently a close friends niece died after a prolonged illness. The day this beautiful young lady transitioned she told me she would have a message for me to share with her family when the time was right.
A few days later I was once again riding my bike when I heard from her. I had to pull over to the side of the road to text her message word for word. Just as she asked me, I am sharing the text as she dictated it to me. I have excluded family names to respect their privacy.
Dear ones, my beloved family,
She is talking directly to you **** & **- but includes all who came to her bedside figuratively and spiritually.
I have had the most glorious earth experiences. I understand LOVE and all that it encompasses on multiple levels. I hold gratitude for our deep and continuous connection. We are forever. I know this now.
I am simultaneously with Glorious Beings of Light to heal the traumatic events, of which there are many. In doing so I am ONE with love and serenity. I will continue this healing and awareness journey.
As you celebrate me in the way you do best. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE celebrate yourselves and all who share this sacred space with you. For we are truly all ONE. Divided only in thoughts, not reality
Please share this message with all. It will be heard by those who can hear. I am asking KRISTINE to do the same.
I love you
Thank you for walking with me and holding me in this life 💖💖💖
My friend, I want you to know that this is message is not uncommon. These words or something very similar are what I am asked to relay on an almost daily basis. Be assured that you are greatly loved. Your shared experiences are sacred.
Some of you may have had less than loving relationships with family or friends that have died. Or even those still in a physical body. Please be assured that at a SOUL LEVEL all relationships are created in love.
I am always here to support you, to love you and guide you on your conscious journey.
You are amazing!
I see you. I love you. I believe in you.