Be Clear About Your Intentions
Take some time to think through areas of your life where you may need guidance or questions you’d like to have answered during your reading. It may help to make a list of questions in order of significance that you can refer to. In most cases, all of your questions may be answered before you even ask; however, having a list can allow you to feel more relaxed knowing that nothing will be missed.
Try to connect with your loved ones
Ask your loved ones to be there. This is another way of setting intentions for your reading. We all have free will, even in spirit, so letting them know how important it is to you will encourage their presence. You could take some time to sit in meditation or prayer and ask them to be there. Simply spending time thinking of and calling on your passed loved ones can better prepare you to hear from them during a Mediumship Reading.
Calm your mind before the reading
If it feels right to you, meditate prior to our session. This will help you stay relaxed, open and keep your energy vibration at a good level. If you don’t or can’t mediate prior, try taking several deep, full breaths. This will help you relax and stay open to the experience.
Keep an open mind
You may have been the one to schedule the appointment, however your loved ones in Spirit do take part in planning and orchestrating your reading as well. They will likely already know what they want to communicate to you through Kristine and why. This may not always be the information that you are hoping for at that moment but will often make sense over the course of the reading and/or in the days after. Many of Kristine’s clients report having aha moments following the session. If you become too overly focused on wanting certain information, you can easily miss the messages that are most important for you in that moment. Let Kristine know if something that comes through doesn’t make sense to you.
It’s completely normal to cry
Many clients cry during a session. Having a Mediumship Reading can bring up a lot of feelings and tears are a natural way that our bodies release emotion. Crying is incredibly healing. Allowing yourself to feel your emotions in the moment can help you to process what is discussed during your session and can help you heal from grief and loss. Don’t worry. Being emotional will not distract Kristine or take away from the communication and it may be an important part of your healing.
Respond to the information that is received
Mediumship readings with Kristine are like conversations between you and spirit. When I hear my clients voice I can feel the excitement or recognition from their loved ones in Spirit and this helps move the energy throughout the reading. In any session, if something does not make sense, don’t be afraid to say so. This may mean that Kristine has misinterpreted some information and she will be able to get clarity for you.
Record your session
Recording your reading is advisable as it helps you remember and process every valuable message obtained during the session. Some clients feel uncomfortable or shy having sessions recorded and prefer to take notes. Others feel taking notes is too distracting and prefer the recording so they can be more present. Whatever allows you to feel most relaxed is right for you.
It is best have a glass of water and be well hydrated before each session.

- Whether your reading is via video or in the office, arrive 5 minutes early so you are ready and not feeling rushed and stressed.
- Minimize distractions. If you have scheduled a video reading, attend the session in a quiet, private room.
- Place your phone in airplane mode or in “do not disturb” mode regardless of where your session is conducted. Download and test a record app on your phone so it’s ready to go when your session begins.
- Be open-minded and curious about what will occur in the reading.
- Hydrate!
After the session…
Take some time to process & reflect
Take some time to process everything that came up during the reading. Listen to your recording to see what you may have already forgotten or misinterpreted. Journaling or sharing your experience with a someone close to you can help you to get the most out of your session. Sometimes the emotions from readings can be overwhelming; you may want to set aside some down time for after the session to rest and restore.
If you’re interested in a reading but haven’t booked one yet, learn more about what you’d experience from a psychic medium reading with me!
KRISTINE KIELAND is an intuitive medium, spiritual counselor, and author who resides in the Greater Twin Cities, MN. Offering services in: Mediumship, Intuitive/Clairvoyant, Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentorship, Group Readings & Speaking Events, Animal Communication, along with Healing modalities. She uses her Intuitive abilities to guide people to Inner growth, direction, and self-knowledge. All through LOVE.