It’s a beautiful morning.
Full of potential, Light and inspiration.
As a collective we have raised our frequency and consciousness beyond what we have previously experienced.
While there is still more choices to make and work to do, we have chosen LOVE and UNITY vs division and less than love.
Over the past year I have collaborated with some amazing and gifted Light Workers. We and many others have brought in new Divine templates, enhanced the grids and lei lines, supported Gaia as she supports us. New Light codes and soul activations are in place. Soul integrations bringing each individual into wholeness of SELF and the ALL continues.
Every individual is on their own conscious journey at their own pace, as to what’s best for them. More and more people are aware of their multi-dimensional experiences and guidance.
You dear one are on an accelerated path. Continue to be aware of where and when you are giving and receiving the energies of love, compassion and unity.
IT IS A BEAUTIFUL MORNING today and every day.
Whatever we experience we have choice in how we respond and what energy we bring to that experience. Will you choose love of Self and others? Some days this may be a great challenge. As always we are given many opportunities to stay the course.
Sending you my love and gratitude