It is so tempting to judge each other, isn’t it? And judging yourself and coming up short could be an Olympic sport! Are you a gold medalist? I know I have a few dusty medals.
You and I know how it feels to be judged. The truth is we judge ourselves and every facet of life. It’s not our natural way of being but it has become a normal and accepted practice. Being judged makes us defensive and oppositional. We question our worth and doubt our intuition. Nothing feels good about being judged. You can feel this energy a mile away.
You’re being invited to be aware of when you have a judgmental thought. Please do not add to the energetic field of judgment by criticizing yourself or anyone else for having the thought. Awareness is key on your conscious journey.
Right now, we seem to be a world divided. Politically, racially, medically, spiritually, and in every way conceivable. Everyone behaves and thinks the way they do because it makes sense to them. It’s not for us to decide what’s best for them. Concentrate on your life experience and what your soul’s mission is. If I want to go to a movie I will see a comedy. My friend will see a murder mystery, neither is better. We have our own perspective, our own soul history and our unique soul plan. Start to imagine what each experience is through the 360 lens of the Soul. Does your need to judge and participate in separation remain?
Judgment is devastating to an evolving society. It’s a lower consciousness and frequency. It is the opposite of acceptance, the higher frequency. Love does not align with judgment.
Remember accepting does not mean allowance. You decide what you participate in and where you want to bring change.
Humanity evolves through the vibrations of love and compassion. An enlightened society supports each member. The old paradigm is to destroy, compete and degrade another being through division, separation, and righteousness. Place your intention and attention on unity and collaboration Do not buy into the stories of extreme separation that is constantly put forward. You have a choice in every experience to choose love. Conflict and separation always present the opportunity to choose love.
Judging another’s expression of themselves is harmful to both parties. As we continue to raise our vibration and consciousness, we are best when we uplift each other. See yourself and others with love, kindness and compassion.