You are an amazing, beautiful and wise Soul. If your Soul created a healthy and vibrant vessel for you to navigate your life experiences, how are you supporting your physical body?
I am including myself in this question. As a spiritually maturing individual it is our responsibility to devote as much attention to our body as we do our Spirit. I have found that many people are out of balance between the two. I certainly have been. Recently the guidance for myself and others is to have committed, balanced attention to both our physical and spiritual Being.
What do you tend to focus on? Does nurturing and moving your body come easily to you?
I will be 63 this week. I was somewhat surprised the last few years that my body doesn’t operate the same. Its not age. It has been lack of attention and wishful thinking on my part.
Our bodies are miraculous. Our physical vessel is created with all we need to have a healthy, strong and vibrant body well past 100 years.
I want to share a few resources I have found helpful to me.
I purchase state and county park passes every year, so I have plenty of options to be in nature and get moving.
I have no affiliation to the following people, but I use their YouTube videos to help my body:
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE dancing. I want to dance and do my work for many years to come. What do you LOVE to do with your body?
I have an app on my phone – Yuka Food and cosmetic scanner. It gives me great info on the ingredients.
I do my best to eat clean and listen to my body. I do like Chocolate!
I am hoping to inspire you. Be kind to yourself. Most likely you are WAY Ahead of me in nurturing and honoring your body. Let me know what you enjoy doing with and for your body.