Every so often I get questions regarding people or situations that are hard to understand. What many people call dark energies or dark entities. The people in question operate out of complete fear and survival. They do only what makes sense to them without concern or compassion for another. They have a low vibration and frequency and a very limited consciousness. They are literally living in the dark. They have forgotten the Light they are created from.
What can you do when you become aware of something in your personal life or a public occurrence that is extremely difficult to comprehend.

The answer is always increasing self-love. Everyday ask yourself “How can I increase and actively participate in self-love.” The more aware you are of the light and dark, which is low consciousness and high consciousness, the more effective you are in helping humanity and all Beings on this planet.
When you encounter dense energies surround it with Love. Because that’s what you are, LOVE.
Love heals and transforms all. ALWAYS! Your vibration will always ripple out, always.
Do not be afraid of what is brought to your attention. Integrate it, feel it. Know and trust yourself that you are boots on the ground, an army of Love. We cannot change that which we deny.
Continue your journey of self-love and self-expression, this is how you evolve. Awareness of all, and laser focus on self-love and compassion.
As you process difficult or traumatic experiences and information, reach out to me (or any one you trust ) for support and guidance. Ask yourself what else do I need to know about myself? How can I be love in this situation? Can I love myself more? How can I increase the love I give and receive?
Embrace the highest frequency of love for yourself. Fill yourself with this frequency and then let it flow to all participants. Can this be your operating system? It takes desire, intention and practice. Lots of practice!
I understand it is one thing to say embrace all with love. Another thing entirely to put into practice. This does not mean you ignore what you have experienced or what may come to your attention.
I am talking not only as practitioner but from a LOT of personal experience. Which is why I do the work I do. To heal the Less than Love.